“As an official of an international institution, Christine Lagarde’s salary of $467,940 (£298,675) a year plus $83,760 additional allowance a year is not subject to any taxes. […]The same applies to nearly all United Nations employees – article 34 of the Vienna convention on diplomatic relations of 1961, which has been signed by 187 states, declares: "A diplomatic agent shall be exempt from all dues and taxes, personal or real, national, regional or municipal."According to Lagarde's contract she is also entitled to a pay rise on 1 July every year during her five-year contract.”
2.Dependency allowances if you have an eligible dependent spouse and/or child
3.Under certain conditions an education grant if you have eligible children in school.
4.Travel and shipping expenses when you are moving from one duty station to another.
5. Assignment grant to assist you in meeting initial extraordinary costs when arriving at or relocating to a new duty station.
6. At some duty stations, a hardship allowance linked to living and working conditions is paid and where there are restrictions on bringing family members, a non-family hardship allowance is also paid.
7. Hazard pay and rest and recuperation break when you serve in locations where the conditions are particularly hazardous, stressful and difficult.