The economic reality


četvrtak, 12. rujna 2013.

Blessings of falling nominal wage growth

Currently, we operate in a word that some would characterize as an infinite paradigm. This means that GDP must grow each year, prices must rise to reflect the fact that the economy is heating up in a positive way and the money supply must constantly grow to foster commerce.

All of these things were taught in college. Every student in economics was taught the above. Like parrots, they repeat the same thing over and over. Each generation from the 30’s onward has looked upon recessions and other “animal spirits” as inexplicable variables that the human being just happens to create. All of this is nonsense, just as the idea that higher nominal wages are a function of productivity.

To clarify things, higher REAL wages are a function of productivity. It’s the ability to have a higher living standard with the same amount of the “generally accepted medium of exchange” is your pocket/bank account/vault.

I couldn’t care less if my paycheck was 100 dollars, but I could buy all the amenities of life and have something left over. But if my paycheck was 100 dollars, and each subsequent month, the REAL value (not face value) went down, I would demand an explanation. (In the short run, it is true that the certain fluctuations might impact wages that they fall nominally; but only because of the frictional transition of employment from one industry to the other.)

In a fixed money supply environment, money would just shift through different stages of production, impacting the NOMINAL levels throughout the process, making them smaller in nominal terms. The goal is to have the funds/money/savings invested in higher order goods (furthest from consumption) to create a situation of lesser scarcity in the consumer goods industry later. The funds are tied up in the higher order sectors, leading to a DROP in consumer prices (goods not sold after fund transfer) and to a RISE in wages.

In a free market, there would be possibly increases in the money supply, as people’s preferences would shift and the demand and supply of money would change, bringing to an increase or decrease in the money supply. The difference between that system and this one we have now is the entrepreneurial possibility of foreseeing these changes in advance in a freely priced market, while in the current system, the market does not convey such information, but a bureau of government officials (university professors).

In my opinion, a general rise in wages is indicative of a bubble in a certain sector of the economy. As additional created credit flows to wage earners, they bid up the prices of consumer goods (a bottleneck effect occurs due to funds being wrapped in higher order goods along the productive line), forcing the acceleration of wage increases to match the increases in the prices of consumer goods. This, unfortunately, never happens, as wage earners are always a step behind the price increase.

nedjelja, 11. kolovoza 2013.

Work in progress resumes

While browsing thorugh various linkedin profiles, one thing came to particular attention to me that relates to resumes the people put up.

One of the striking things that I saw was the apparent "abundance" of skills and knowledge some individuals have. From this basin of knowledge the most appauling is the " language" section. In this section, you have choice to write which languages you know without stating the LEVEL of knowledge that you have obtained. This however isn't the only section where you have a choice to write freely. The other relates to the "skills" section.

This usually includes people citing multiple language knowledge together with other "skills" they acquired. Knowledge of far east languages or other European languages are usually stated without any reference to level or certificate of knowledge.

The same applies to skills. In this section you can "endorse" an individual who has stated a skill and if you deem fit, you may confirm this skill. Since skill endorsement can only be done when you have be-friended someone, there is a more than apparent bias when endorsing someone.

From personal experience, there are no rules to "skills" and "knowledge" when you are asking for employment opportunities. The employer looks for skills that a person might have that will increase his marginal revenue in excess of marginal costs expensed for employing you.

So, people may feel free to write what they want, its the employer who determines what is really of value in your resume!

The marginal employer and the Croatian IRS

It has been promulgated that over the past couple of years, entreprenuers have been cheating the government by not paying their fair share of taxes. This would include tax avoidance and tax evasions.

Therefore, the new Croatian governement has implemented the so-called fiscal sytems, where all bills for provided goods and services have to be printed out, carrying a unique code. The seller has to give the bill to the customer, and the customer has to take it, with a THREAT OF BEING FINED IF HE/SHE DOESN'T. This way, the government decided to crack down on those who have not been paying taxes orderly and have been "taking to much for themselves" on the side.

The ludacrious part of the entire scheme is the matching of funds in the sellers treasury with the billing amount. This means, that if an entreprenuer has just a dollar in excess of the amount as per the billing documentation, the Croatian IRS swoops in, closes the business, strikes you with a fine and if you make a hassle about it, they start picking through your financial records, just like the ilk in Brussels seems fit to crack down on wealthy individuals who take care of their money and places it in tax havens, where they are not progressively taxed to a marginal rate of over 50%.

Lets make two assumptions regarding the tax avoiders/ evaders:

1. The people who fail to pay taxes out of the incapability of making the payments, due to the tax burden.

2. People who fail to pay taxes, by keeping more money for themselves.

We will prove that both entreprenuers are doing a GOOD thing for the economy.

Point one: The government in the first assumption clearly does not understand the marginal entreprenuer. This individual functions at the margin, by barely making breakeven, or a slight profit without the taxes. If the taxes were there, the businessman would have to close his shop and discharge his workers due to the the fact that the generated revenue does not cover overhead, fixd costs, insurance, maintenance etc. If he were to pay no taxes, we would actually GROW his business, and make his products CHEAPER for the average consumer, which may also complain on the businessman's apparent lack of "patriotism" by not paying taxes.

Point two: Funds aren't going to the government and to boondoggle projects (such as city water fountains and failed gymnasiums). Or even better, to the military (which has won a heroic war a decade ago and proved their worth), when there is no clear foreign threat to our borders.

If anyone decides to come to Croatia for a vacation, please be aware that you might be fined for not taking the bill (lets be honest, if you budget DURING your vacation, you souldn't be on vacation) up to 500 kunas and illegaly ask for your personal ID in the process. They may FORCE you as a TOURIST, out of a hotel you're staying at, because the hotel manager failed to pay a substantial VAT tax.

And alas, just to make a point, if you DID OVERPAY YOUR VAT obligations to the State, but you have a difference of THREE DOLLARS between your treasury and printed bills, THE GOVERNMENT WILL CLOSE YOUR BUSINESS!!

As the old saying goes: Buyer beware (of the lackies at the Croatian IRS).......

petak, 31. svibnja 2013.

The Friedmanite Corruption of Capitalism

I have decided to post a short essay by Professor Thomas J. DiLorenzo from This essay should be read and understood by many today's so-called free market experts that adhere to monetarism, which in my opinion is nothing more than Monetary keynesianism. The following text can be originally read at

All throughout his new book, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America, David A. Stockman is critical of the Chicago School, especially its intellectual leader during the last half of the twentieth century, Milton Friedman. He captures the irony of the so-called free-market Chicago School on the very first page of his introduction, where he writes of the “capture of the state, especially its central bank, the Federal Reserve, by crony capitalist forces deeply inimical to free markets and democracy.”
This is a deep irony because it was Chicago School economists such as George Stigler who wrote of the “capture theory of regulation” when it came to the trucking industry, the airline industry, and many others. That is, they produced dozens of scholarly articles demonstrating how government regulatory agencies ostensibly created to regulate industry “in the public interest” are most often “captured” by the industry itself and then used not to protect the public but to enforce cartel pricing arrangements.
This was all good, solid, applied free-market economics, but at the same time the Chicago Schoolers ignored the biggest and most important regulatory capture of all — the creation of the Fed. The Chicago School simply ignored the obvious fact that the Fed was created as a governmental cartel enforcement mechanism for the banking industry — during an era when many other kinds of regulatory institutions were being created for the same purpose (i.e., “natural monopoly” regulation).
Not only did the Chicago School ignore this glaring omission from its “capture theory” tradition of research on regulation; it also ignored the realistic, economic analysis of political decision making that was an important part of the research of the two most famous Chicago School Nobel laureates next to Friedman — George Stigler and Gary Becker. Stigler and Becker published some important articles in the field that is better known as public choice, or the economics of political decision making. Friedman himself had long been an advisor to Republican politicians, so no one could credibly argue that Chicago School economists were naïve about the realities of politics.
However, if Friedmanite monetarism was anything, it was naïve about political reality. The fatal flaw of Friedman’s famous “monetary rule” of constant growth of the money supply in the 3-4 percent range was premised on the assumption that a machine-like Fed chairman would selflessly pursue the public interest by enforcing Friedman’s monetary rule. According to Friedman, Stockman writes, “inflation would be rapidly extinguished if money supply was harnessed to a fixed and unwavering rate of growth, such as 3 percent per annum.” This was the fundamental assumption behind monetarism, and it flew in the face of everything the Chicago Schoolers purported to know about political reality. In other words, Friedmanite monetarism was never a realistic possibility, for as Friedman himself frequently said of all other governmental institutions besides the Fed, a government institution that is not political is as likely as a cat that barks like a dog. Friedman’s monetary rule, Stockman concludes, was “basically academic poppycock.” He mocks the idea of a“monetary rule” as the “idea that the FOMC [Federal Reserve Open Market Committee] would function as faithful monetary eunuchs, keeping their eyes on the M1 gauge and deftly adjusting the dial in either direction upon any deviation from the 3 percent target.” This was “sheer fantasy,” says Stockman, and an extreme example of “political naivete.”
Stockman also takes Friedman and the Chicago School to task by writing that “Friedman thoroughly misunderstood the Great Depression and concluded erroneously that undue regard for the gold standard rules by the Fed during 1929-1933 had resulted in its failure to conduct aggressive open market purchases of government debt.” Stockman debunks the notion that the Fed failed to pump enough liquidity into the banking system by merely noting that“there was no liquidity shortage” during that period and “commercial banks were not constrained at all in their ability to make loans or generate demand deposits (M1). “Friedman thus sided with the central planners,” writes Stockman, in “contending that the ... thousands of banks that already had excess reserves should have been doused with more and still more reserves, until they started lending and creating deposits in accordance with the dictates of the monetarist gospel.” As a matter of historical fact, Stockman points out, “excess reserves in the banking system grew dramatically during the forty-five month period, implying just the opposite of monetary stringency” (i.e., Friedman’s main argument). Thus, “there is simply no case that monetary stringency caused the Great Depression.”
The current Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, based his academic career on the false Friedmanite theory of the Great Depression, Stockman writes. Bernanke’s“sole contribution to this truly wrong-headed proposition was a few essays consisting mainly of dense math equations. They showed the undeniable correlation between the collapse of GDP and money supply, but proved no causation whatsoever.” Thus, the old saying about “how to lie with statistics” was matched by “how to mislead with mathematical models.”
Stockman makes the case that the Austrian business cycle theory is a far more reliable source of understanding about the Great Depression. “[T]he great contraction of 1929-1933 was rooted in the bubble of debt and financial speculation that built up in the years before 1929,” he writes, and “not from mistakes made by the Fed after the bubble collapsed.” Friedman’s monetary theory, in other words, was not based on “positive economics” or historical reality, but was assumed to be “an a priori truth” merely because it was the “great” Milton Friedman who authored it. In any event, Friedman’s entire theory of the Great Depression has been “demolished” by his intellectual disciple, Ben Bernanke, who increased the excess reserves of the U.S. banking system from $40 billion to $1.7 trillion as of 2012 with little or no recognizable effect on the real economy.
Perhaps Friedman’s biggest sin, according to Stockman, was being the “brains” behind Richard Nixon’s executive order in 1971 that removed gold standard restraints on monetary printing. Friedman therefore assisted in the institutionalization of “a regime which allowed politicians to chronically spend without taxing,” he writes. Ironically, “the nation’s most famous modern conservative economist became the father of Big Government, chronic deficits, and national fiscal bankruptcy.” “For all practical purposes ... it was Friedman who shifted the foundation of the nation’s money supply from gold to T-bills.”
Stockman describes Friedman’s political naivete as mind boggling. “Friedman never even entertained the possibility that once the central bank was freed from the stern discipline of protecting its gold reserves, it would fall into the hands of monetary activists and central planners” and that the Fed would“become a fount of rationalizations for incessant tinkering and intervention in financial markets.” Printing dollars with reckless abandon, the Fed fueled commodity booms in the 1970s, followed by busts and crashes, and then did the same with stock and real estate markets in the succeeding decades. 

nedjelja, 26. svibnja 2013.

GDP Drops in Croatia again...Recovery in sight or more pain to come?

The business portal:, just released news that Croatia will continue with more negative data in respect to the GDP.

The GDP will continue falling, but moderately, as the report claims. As per the report: (the report has been translated using Google Translate, for a more thourogh view of the report please see the originial):

"The economic downturn in the first quarter is attributable to personal consumption, regardless of the slightly earlier date of Easter. Negative impact on the growth of GDP as compared to previous periods could come from net exports, in accordance with fluctuations in foreign trade, "said one of macroeconomists in the survey Hine.

Due to the recession in the eurozone, our largest trading partner, weakens the demand for exported goods, which badly affects the Croatian exports. In the first three months of this year, exports fell by 7.9 percent compared to the same period last year.

"A slight increase in industrial activitiy and construction work can hardly compensate for the decline in private consumption and exports in the first quarter," says one of ht emacroeconomists in the survey of Hine."

Of course, just as all reprots go, the main problem has been and always will be exports. It is somehow impossible that we can never get any export growth (even though there are mouths to feed in our own country). And we have the dreaded GDP figure collapsing again.

The reason why mainstream economists missed the crisis is due to the fact that they consider GDP growth to be a positive thing. I beg to differ. Remember, GDP consists of consumption, invenstments, government spending and net exports.

First of all, and pardon my logic, how is it possible that consumption and investment go on the samre axis? When constructing a GDP curve, as taught in mainstream 101 macro classes, the GDP is created by combining the nominal values of the governet spending curve (which is always in ascension), the investment curve and the consumption curve. Adding all of these, get the GDP.

As long as the belief holds that investment and spending are located on the same axis, we will continue to have recessions and bubbles in various markets. That is why I believe that if the monetary system is reformed, and we have the "peoples money" (which is nothing else but the peaceful choice among individuals to choose an object with which trade will be conducted) and a 100% reserve banking system, the GDP will not matter as yardstick of economic health. The only body that prints these figures is the governmet, a source of high competence.

The fall in GDP in Croatia might be a sign of a recovery, the washing away of excess malinvenstments that occured during the previous bubble years. But due to the fact that the government has increased their role in the economy, ballooned their public debt and used the banking system to inflate their way out of their mess, I believe that there is more pain to go.

Over the past quarters, the nations stock index (CROBEX) has shown emmence volatility, ralling and dropping (bottoming out in the current  period). This can be attibuted to the inflow and outflow of money provided by the banking system. There is no reason that the CROBEX would rally. There are no good news, no new manufactuing firms, the national debt hasn't gone done, the structural unemployment issue still remains and the governent has expanded.

The only reason that the index would rise would be to nominaly money supply growth. The fall, relates to the destuction in the money supply. That is why the GDP figure is such a horrible indicator. It doesn't take into inflation (even though it is deflated for the "official core number") and capital missalocation that it creates. The figure contains government outlays - a drag to the econmoy, or better put: expenditures that don't go in line with consumer preferences). And finally: Any GDP growth with rising consumption and investment sums up to bogus growth. Or growth that is financed by money expansion and not real savings.

So, we may conclude that there is a recovery in sight somewhere in the economy, probably being reinflated as we speak, and yes there is more pain to come - as long as the government keeps the productive economy in a strangelhold with the assistance of the banking sector, there will be more pain.

nedjelja, 21. travnja 2013.

Why would an auditor miss a bank run?

I have decided to write on this topic because I currently work as an auditor. I have been up to this date in many firms where i conducted audits of the firm's financial statements and through various ways have "tested" the company's balance sheet's to determine any wrongdoing.

The thing that caught my eye was the fact when an auditor approaches a bank, the audit procedures in my opinion somehow breakdown. This is due to the fact that manufacturing firms have to sell a product and pay off suppliers to remain in business. A bank creates money from loaning out demand deposits and captures a spread.

The main difference when going about on audit of a mancufacturing company and a bank, is the perception of the person conducting the audit. The primary focus on a manufacturing firm is the ability to generate cash flow and the unbiaseness of the accrual process. When auditng a bank, most of the itme is focused on bank product of the bank - its' loans (for traditional markets this is the case).

If the loan receiver has a hard time paying of the loan, the auditor will quesiton the vaildity of the asset and request an impairment of th asset. The auditor however never questions the origins of the loan. By this I mean the systemic imbalance of borrowing short and lending ex nihilo long. The auditor is never concerned of any bank run due to the modern nature of the banking system.

I found this particularly odd. The only logical conclusion that I come by is the perception of the participant doing the audit, and the repetitiveness of the process. The participant views the fractional nature sound because a supranational (central bank) is stranding behind the Entity making sure that the diminishing reserves to cover the deposits is in line with "historical practices", or in line with industry and economic wide conditions.

This can be clearly seen at the examples in Cyprus a month ago, when the banks run ensued. I am sure that each bank that went under in Cyprus had an auditor. The auditor went through their books and determined no material misstatements of the banks' balance sheets. The other problem that would arise is the going concern basis: If the bank was unable to honor it's depositors for withdrawl on demand, then the bank would have been prepared for a banckruptcy filing. This hasn't occured as well. It is if the auditors were fooled or something; unable to see that the bank is always insolvent and can be brought to it's knees with a run.

The bottom line is this: An auditor can't see a bank run, because he is not interested in one, nor do most of them have any knowledge of economic theory underpinning their analysis. If they did have knowledge of economic cycles they would have made an adverse opinion of the statements during the boom faze, when the percentage of NPL's (non performing loans) is at a low in the cycle.

Unfortunatley, the common practice is to follow the mainstream approach and give a green light. Anyone that stands out will be attacked as reactionary and insance. Just as the rating agency Egan-Jones was called to b mad when they downgraded US debt and other debt for that matter.

There should be first of all an overhaul of the banking practices, and then an auditor will be able to make decent calls just as they do for manufacturing firms.